Services Provided

Coaching on Personal Development for all age groups

- Building new Beliefs
- Changing old Habits that never worked
- Evolving as an Abundant Human Being
- Maintaining a Young and Healthy body
- Building a new Self-Image

Career Coaching for Students

- Psychometric Test
- STUDY SKILLS (Techniques)

Corporate Coaching

- Leadership skills
- Team Building
- Success habits at workplace
- Stress and Time Management skills

a) Building new Beliefs

The beliefs that we carry determines how we live our Life. These are inculcated right from the time we are born and most of them is influenced by our surrounding environment. Some beliefs help us grow while some stay as a hurdle. Learn how to eliminate limiting beliefs and live a life of abundance.

Course Duration: 3 months

b) Changing old Habits that never worked

Man is a slave of Habits. Our life is governed by multitude of habits that we form sub consciously. Some old nonproductive habits are keeping you stuck. Identify the blocks and learn how to change your habits that brings tremendous success results in your life. A complete step by step guide to bring you to your success track and stay there to achieve new heights. Course Duration: 3 months

c) Evolving as an Abundant Human Being

Humans are here to evolve, No doubt. We have seen generations evolving to a new breed, right from the cave man to the ultra-modern human being. In the process one must learn how to evolve as a superhuman who can use their full potential to be an Abundant Human Being. One who is Happy and Prosperous and spreads the good all around the world. Learn how to eliminate the mentality of lack and limitations from your life and Live a life full of unlimited Abundance and Freedom. Course Duration: 3 months

d) Maintaining a Young and Healthy body

Have you been struggling with your health? Could be a minor or a major long-term illness. Medicines may help only to an extent, mostly to keep the illness returning. But you can heal your body permanently. Learn to be Fit and healthy throughout your life without diets and exercise that are difficult to follow. Start reversing your age and Live your life with pure health and fitness. Course Duration: 3 months

e) Building a new Self-Image

What’s your self-Image? A person with a poor self-image will always struggle to succeed in life. You will find yourself failing at almost everything you do in your life. Did you know that you are worth and capable of every good that you desire in your life? Learn to build a super self-image by knowing who you are? To create a winner’s image of yourself. Be more confident and powerful! Course Duration: 3 months

a) Psychometric Test

The tests are a set of physical and mental queries intended to get a better understanding of the individual’s conditioning. Most examinations aim at testing the learning capability of the student and never get to access the mental makeup of a person. It will identify your Child’s…
1. 8 Multiple Intelligence
2. Preferred Learning Style
3. Roles & tasks that suits best
4. Type of Personality (Values, Potential Aptitude, Learning Style & Environment)
5. Best career options

b) STUDY SKILLS (Techniques)

Experts identified 6 essential skills generally not taught in School but are foundation for learning as it saves time and enhance learnability and hence child becomes more efficient & develops interest towards studies.


Modules & Benefits:

  1. Wheel of Life-The Wheel of Life is a popular life coaching exercise that gives your child a quick overview of their current state of affairs. They will identify areas to focus on, and get a great visual representation of progress made.
  2. Memory Technique 1 (Can easily memorize long answers, scripts & speeches)– It links these images together into a story. This helps to keep events in a logical order and can improve your ability to remember information if you forget the sequence of images. Both techniques are very simple to learn.
  3. Memory Technique 2 (Can easily memorize information in sequential order) – The main advantage of the peg system is that it allows the recall of any word at a given numerical location. This gives you access to the information you want to remember either in order or out of order.
  4. Memory Technique (can easily memorize, History dates, phone no., Bank account no. etc.) – The major system is a mnemonic technique used to aid in memorising numbers.
  5. Speed Reading (From 200wpm to 500wpm journey) -Speed Reading is not just about reading faster but comprehend the information better and retain it longer. It’s the complete package.
  6. Mind Map– It is a great way for you to categorise and organise the ideas you brainstormed and identify their relationships. By using a single page or space you can already place a huge amount of information and check its connections.
  7. Goal Setting– Setting goals helps trigger new behaviours, helps guides your focus and helps you sustain that momentum in life. Goals also help align your focus and promote a sense of self-mastery. In the end, you can’t manage what you don’t measure and you can’t improve upon something that you don’t properly manage. Setting goals can help you do all of that and more.
  8. NLP-A tool-bag to change poor habits, remove negative emotions, energises goals, creates powerful and positive mindset.

a) Leadership skills

b) Team Building

c) Success habits at workplace

d) Stress and Time Management skills

Coaching on Personal Development for all age groups

Career Coaching for Teenagers

Learning Skills for Kids

Corporate Coaching